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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge

Rayne has
read 236 books toward her goal of 250 books.


About Me

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Hey everyone! I'm an avid book reader from Puerto Rico. I'm 23, with degrees in Psychology and English Literature, and currently trying to decide in which direction to take my life. In the mean time, I read voraciously, mainly YA, write, also YA, and play video games and watch bad movies. Here's where I'll share my thoughts on books, writing, news and, well, whatever else occurs to me. Happy reading!
Hello everyone! My name is Lorraine, but I go by Rayne in the virtual world. Force of habit after so many MMOs.

Anyway, this is my new page! After some time off from blogging, I've decided to come back and start sharing with the world my thoughts and feelings, mostly about books, but with this page I will take the liberty of talking about everything. I recently graduated from College, with a BA in Pyschology and another one in English Literature, and I am currently taking some time off from studying to figure out the direction in which I want to take my professional life. It hasn't been easy, my complete inability to make decisions under pressure aside. My passions blur into each other, they are connected and one reinforces the other, so choosing just one to dedicate the rest of my life to is rather overwhelming. The only one that stands on its own is reading. If it were up to me, I'd do that for the rest of my life.

Since as long as I can remember, books have been my best friends, my loyal companions, sometimes even my family. I go everywhere with at least two books and two e-readers in my bag, and taking every moment I can for reading is a compulsion for me. I grew up in a loving home that encouraged reading, but where no one but me took it up, so finding this kind of platform that allows me to connect with other readers is absolutely wonderful.

I currently write articles on geek culture for the amazing magazine Girls in Capes which I encourage you to check out if you love books, video games, anime/manga, tv and movies, anything that has to deal with geek/pop culture. You can find my own articles here.

My main focus on reading at the moment is Young Adult lit. I dabble in other genres, but that's my home right now, from YA fantasy, horror and mystery to paranormal, dystopia and sci-fi. I also read manga, though at the moment I'm not as actively reading it as I used to, and I blame the end of Fullmetal Alchemist because, really, what else is there to read after that masterpiece? Right now, I'm consistently reading Fairy Tail. I do like shoujo mangas, but I tend to stick to shounen mangas. Aside from reading, I am obsessed with The Legend of Zelda and Kingdom Hearts video games, a couple of sitcoms like The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family, and other series like Sherlock.

Check out my Goodreads if you want to see what I've read or I am currently reading, or find me at Booklikes, where I recently got started and have yet to come out of my eternal laziness to import all of the books I've read.

Thank you for taking the time to come to my blog and read about what I love. Happy reading!


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