About Me
- Rayne
- Hey everyone! I'm an avid book reader from Puerto Rico. I'm 23, with degrees in Psychology and English Literature, and currently trying to decide in which direction to take my life. In the mean time, I read voraciously, mainly YA, write, also YA, and play video games and watch bad movies. Here's where I'll share my thoughts on books, writing, news and, well, whatever else occurs to me. Happy reading!
I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. I chickened out last year, but with the support of my wonderful friends Jennie and Mara, I'm finally braving up to accomplish one of my dreams and finish a novel. I started two a couple of years ago, when, you know, it was all about vampires, but after so many books, I've learn more about what really makes a novel and I want to find an outlet for all these ideas in my head. So, if you're doing it this year too, find me at NaNoWriMo here.
Here's where I'll be posting all of my comments on the process once the program starts in November, as well my ideas, difficulties or just some good old fashioned stress relief.
I'm really looking forward to this experience!
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