Check out my articles on geek culture!


2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge

Rayne has
read 236 books toward her goal of 250 books.


About Me

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Hey everyone! I'm an avid book reader from Puerto Rico. I'm 23, with degrees in Psychology and English Literature, and currently trying to decide in which direction to take my life. In the mean time, I read voraciously, mainly YA, write, also YA, and play video games and watch bad movies. Here's where I'll share my thoughts on books, writing, news and, well, whatever else occurs to me. Happy reading!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Why, hello there!
Welcome to The Page Labyrinth!
Thank you so much for visiting my page! We're going to be such good friends! I love you!
No? Too soon? 
Okay, I'll just sit here and try to hold on to my excitement.
Nah. Not working. I'm just so excited!
You see, I used to blog and I loved it. My friend Jennie gave me the opportunity to blog with her and it was awesome. It was just book reviews, but I was really happy doing it.
But then the time came to say good-bye, and I decided to give up blogging entirely. 
But it quickly became evident that quitting blogging forever was not working out for me.
So, I toyed with the idea of coming back. But I didn't know how. Basically, I was just sitting there, looking at my computer, going through the wonderful blogs of everybody else, and thinking of all the great things I could do with a blog but lacking the courage to make one for myself.
And then my amazing friends, Jennie and Mara, started talking about creating blogs and encouraging me to do one as well. At first, I found a million excuses not to do it.
But, finally, I found some courage and decided to give myself a chance to do this.
It doesn't really matter if by this time next year I have only 5 followers and one of them is my mom and another one is the fake profile I made for my cat.
I'm just really happy to be back to doing something that made me happy. Reviewing books, talking about them, ranting every once in a while, talking about the crappy series I watch and the even shittier movies out there, and why Benedict Cumberbatch is perfect, or how angry sexism in geek culture makes me. It just makes me happy and I'm gonna do this. 

So I hope you like what I'm going to do here. I promise to give it my best and be consistent with my posts and all that jazz. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for vising my page and for, even in the smallest way, supporting me in this new adventure. 
And many, many thanks to Mara, who harassed and nagged until I got up my butt and opened up this blog, and to Jennie, who designed it, and look at how gorgeous it is! Never in a million years would I have been able to create a third of the beauty she did with this blog in just a few hours.
So, here's to new beginnings! See you soon, I hope! Hope you have as much fun with this as I do!

with love,


  1. Aww, this post is so sweet and awesome! And gah, I need to make myself a signature! XD

  2. This post just made me laugh, and laugh, and laugh xD It'll be interesting to see what comes out of this! xD
